《中国传统文化关键字》辞尚体要 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Succinctness Is Valued in Writing


Writing should be substantive and succinct in expressing main ideas or key content.“Succinctness”means to capture the essence. The idea comes from The Book of History, originally referring to the requirement that government edicts and regulations should be terse and to the point. Liu Xie applied this into literary criticism, emphasizing that writing should be both substantive and pithy, striving to capture the essence.

🎈「切实简要」意为有实质性的和简洁的,故而译文译为substantive and succinct;而在表达「主要意思或主要内容」的两个「主要」时,译文采用了两种表达方式main和key,遵从了英文忌讳重复的行文习惯。

🎈在翻译““体要”,体现精要”一句时,译文将其改写为一个主谓宾结构的句子,“体现精要”意为“抓住重点要点”,所以译文译为“capture the essence”。


🎈在翻译“刘勰将它引入文学批评,强调文辞须切实精当,体现文章的要义”一句时,译文将“强调文辞须切实精当,体现文章的要义”作为一个目的状语出现,来解释刘勰将其引入文学批评的目的(writing should be both substantive and pithy, striving to capture the essence)

这一术语体现了中国文化推崇的“尚简”传统,即以简练精当的文辞传达岀充实、概括性的内容, 不能为了追求文辞上的标新立异而忽略文章本来要表达的主要内容。这一要求, 后来成为古文写作的基本要求,对文学创作起着重要的指导作用。

This term reflects the traditional pursuit for “succinctness” in Chinese culture, which prefers to convey a rich message in a concise way rather than seek novel expressions that may overshadow the essence of the writing. Later on, this became a fundamental requirement for the classical style of writing and provided important guidance for literary creation.


🎈在翻译「即以简练精当的文辞传达岀充实、概括性的内容, 不能为了追求文辞上的标新立异而忽略文章本来要表达的主要内容」这一句文言文色彩浓厚的句子时,译文根据意思将具有相同意义的词语进行了减译。「简练精当」就是简洁的意思,因此译为concise;「充实、概括性的」也有词意重复累赘之嫌,因此译为rich;「标新立异」意为「表明自己新颖的义理,提出与众不同的见解」,故而译为novel expressions



辞尚体要 succinctness is valued in writing

切实简要 substantive and succinct

《尚书》 The Book of History

文学批评 literary criticism

体现精要 capture the essence

忽略,掩盖 overshadow

基本要求 fundamental requirement

文学创作 literary creation

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