《中国传统文化关键字》春秋 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



The Spring and Autumn Annals

The Spring and Autumn Period


The Spring and Autumn Annals is one of the Confucian classics, believed to have been compiled by Confucius based on the chronicles of the State of Lu. The book covers a period of 242 years from the first year of the reign of Duke Yin of Lu (722 BC) to the 14th year of the reign of Duke Ai (481 BC). The book was China’s first chronological history, and its title has come to mean all chronological histories. Its records of events are brief and its style is concise. Later Confucian scholars regarded the book as having “subtle words with profound meanings” and described its implied and indirect style of writing, which makes both positive and negative criticism, as “The Spring and Autumn Annals style.”

🎈原文首句较长,因此译文将其拆分为两句来翻译。第一句译文译出了原文对《春秋》一书的简介,介绍其是儒家经典,其编纂基于鲁国史书(The Spring and Autumn Annals is one of the Confucian classics, believed to have been compiled by Confucius based on the chronicles of the State of Lu);而译文第二句则是对原文描述《春秋》的大体内容的翻译(he book covers a period of 242 years from the first year of the reign of Duke Yin of Lu (722 BC) to the 14th year of the reign of Duke Ai (481 BC))。


🎈在翻译“纪事简短,文字凝练”一句时,原文文言文色彩较为浓厚,用字简练,因此应先转换为白话文,即“记录的事情简短,风格非常洗练简洁”,故而译文译为“Its records of events are brief and its style is concise”。

🎈「微言大义」意为「包含在精微语言里的深刻的道理」,故而译为subtle words with profound meanings。

🎈在翻译「这种委婉曲折而寓褒贬的写作手法」一句时,「委婉曲折」译为了implied and indirect,而「寓褒贬」意思是对其进行好的或者不好的评价,故而译为makes both positive and negative criticism。

解释《春秋》的有《左传》《公羊传》《穀梁传》, 合称“《春秋》三传”(其中,《公羊传》和《穀梁传》主要解释《春秋》义理, 而《左传》记载这一时期的史实,与解经没有关系)。“舂秋”也用来指“春秋时代”(因《春秋》得名),其起讫年代,有两种说法:一指《春秋》所记载的历史时期,一指自公元前770年周平王东迁至公元前476年这一时期。

Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals, Gongyang’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals, and GuLiang’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals, together known as the“Three Commentaries”are explications of this work. (Gongyang’s and Guliang’s commentaries explain the reasoning in the book, while Zuo’s commentary records historical events of this period but does not interpret The Spring and Autumn Annals.)“Spring and Autumn”also refers to the Spring and Autumn Period, an era named after The Spring and Autumn Annals. There are two views about the period it spans: One is the period covered in the Annals, the other is the period from 770 BC, when King Ping of Zhou moved his capital from near present-day Xi’an in the west to present-day Luoyang in the east, until the year of 476 BC.



🎈在翻译「周平王东迁」一句时,译文以增译的方式对此进行了详尽的解释「从现今西边的西安城迁都至现今东边的洛阳城」(moved his capital from near present-day Xi’an in the west to present-day Luoyang in the east),使得译文更加完整严谨,可读性也更强。

🎈在翻译春秋起止时间的两种说法时,译文使用了固定搭配one…, the other…使得译文的衔接更加连贯、流畅。


春秋:The Spring and Autumn Annals / The Spring and Autumn Period

儒家经典:Confucian classic



微言大义:subtle words with profound meanings

春秋笔法:The Spring and Autumn Annals style

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