​​《中国传统文化关键字》楚辞 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


Chuci (Ode of Chu)

Chuci (楚辞)was a poetic genre first attributed to Qu Yuan. It later became the title for the first anthology of poetry depicting the culture in south China. Chuci was so named because it made use of Chu (now Hunan and Hubei provinces) dialect, accent, and local special genres to describe the unique landscape, history, and folklore of the State of Chu. The term chuci first appeared in the early Western Han Dynasty, and later Liu Xiang compiled a literary collection including 16 pieces written by Qu Yuan, Song Yu, Huainan Xiaoshan (a group of authors of the Western Han Dynasty), Dongfang Shuo, Yan Ji, Wang Bao, and Liu Xiang. When Wang Yi later compiled Verses from the Odes of Chu, he added a work of his own to the collection, making it an anthology of 17 works.

🎈原文第一句由多个短句构成,若按此结构译为英文,则会显得译文累赘冗长而不知所云,因此应该对原文进行拆分重组。译文将“楚辞是由屈原创作的一种诗体”(Chuci was a poetic genre first attributed to Qu Yuan)单列一句,对楚辞进行初步介绍;将“后来又成为代表中国古代南方文化的第一部诗歌总集”(It later became the title for the first anthology of poetry depicting the culture in south China)译为单独的一句,介绍其文学地位;最后译文将原文第一句剩下的部分单独译出,介绍其内容和特点。如此翻译使得译文富有逻辑性,结构严谨,行文流畅。

🎈译文首句使用了定语从句,其基本的主系表结构是Chuci was a poetic genre,而first attributed to Qu Yuan是从句,用以修饰poetic genre,表示这种诗体最早是由屈原创立。

🎈在翻译介绍楚辞内容和特点的一句时,译文将「因而得名」(was so named because)置于文首,后跟原因,避免了译文的头重脚轻,符合英文行文习惯。

🎈在翻译「淮南小山」时,译文先以汉语拼音译出Huainan Xiaoshan,在加以括号进行注释详解,表示其是一个西汉时期的文人团体,使得译文信息完整。



Through its distinctive genre and unique cultural elements,chuci reflected the special culture of the Chu region in southern China. As a genre, chuci is characterized by profound emotions, wild imagination, and rich allusions to the remote historical mythology from the dawn of Chinese history. It demonstrates an innovative and distinctive literary genre and spirit, standing with The Book of Songs as twin literary pinnacles. Later generations called this genre Chuci Style or Sao Style (Flowery Style), and its research chuci studies.

🎈原文一大段是一整句话,由多个短句构成,因此在翻译时,应该对原文进行拆分重组,改写为符合英文行文习惯的句子结构。因此,译文先将“楚辞通过独特的文体与文化内涵,反映出南方楚国文化的特点”单独译为一句,初步介绍楚辞的特点和意义(distinctive genre and unique cultural elements;reflected the special culture of the Chu region);随后,译文将楚辞具体的特征单独译为一句(profound emotions, wild imagination, and rich allusions);再解释其与同为伟大诗歌著作的《诗经》并驾齐驱;最后译文将楚辞对后世的影响以及对其的研究进行翻译。

🎈在翻译楚辞的特点时,译文选用了be characterized by的表达方式,后跟“形容词+名词”的短语结构。

🎈在翻译“成为与《诗经》并驾齐驱的文学形态”一句时,译文使用了结果状语从句(standing with The Book of Songs as twin literary pinnacles),表示因为楚辞全新的文学精神与文学体式,所以才与《诗经》并称为文学双峰。

🎈在翻译「骚体」这一表达时,译文首先以汉语拼音译出,再加以括号进行注解说明,表示其是一种辞藻华丽的文体(Flowery Style),使得译文所承载的信息更加完整。


楚辞:Chuci / Ode of Chu

归因于:be attributed to

诗歌总集:anthology of poetry



《诗经》:The Book of Songs

后世:later generations

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