《中国传统文化关键字》诚意 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Be Sincere in Thought

使追求日用伦常之道的意愿真实无妄。“诚意”出自《大学》,与格物、致知、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下并称 “八条目”,是儒家所倡导的道德修养的一个重要环节。

The pursuit of moral principles in daily life should be true and sincere.“Being sincere in thought” is one of the “eight essential principles” from the philosophical text The Great Learning, the other seven being “studying things”, “acquiring knowledge”, “rectifying one’s mind”, “cultivating oneself”, “regulating one’s family well”, “governing the state properly” and “bringing peace to all under heaven”. Those constitute important stages in the moral cultivation advocated by Confucian scholars.

🎈「日用伦常之道」指日常生活的伦理道德规范,故译文译作moral principles in daily life;「真实无妄」指真实的和真诚的,故译为true and sincere

🎈在翻译「八条目」时,译文根据原文想表达的意思「八条基本准则」来翻译而非拘泥于原文的表层字义;此外,译文在翻译《大学》时,前面增译出了「哲学书本」(philosophical text),来对此书进行初步的解释和介绍,使得译文信息完整。


🎈原文「是儒家所倡导的道德修养的一个重要环节」指的是「诚意」,而译文考虑到介绍其余七个环节后,原主语(Being sincere in thought)跟表语(重要环节)已经相隔较远,故而重新划定,将「八条目」共同作为主语,「重要环节」变为复数(important stages),使得译文流畅自然。

“诚意”以“致知”为前提。在知晓日用伦常之道的基础上, 确立起内心对此道的认同与追求。内心的真实意愿会自然地表现于言行之中。个人的道德行为应出于真实的意愿,而不应在没有真实意愿的情况下仅仅使外在的言行符合道德规范。

“Sincerity in thought” has as its preceding stage the “extension of knowledge”。One can only identify and follow the principle of “sincerity in thought” on the basis of understanding the moral principles in daily life. One’s true desire will then naturally reflect itself in one’s daily behavior. An individual’s moral conduct must stem from a genuine wish and must not just conform superficially to the moral principles without true intention of practicing them.

🎈在翻译「以…为前提」时,译文采用了has as its preceding stage这一表达,意为「作为其前一阶段」,表示致知是诚意的前提。

🎈在翻译「在知晓日用伦常之道的基础上, 确立起内心对此道的认同与追求」一句时,译文先翻译后半句(One can only identify and follow the principle of “sincerity in thought”),再翻译前半句(understanding the moral principles in daily life),并以on the basis of连接,表示「知晓日用伦常之道」是「确立起内心对此道的认同与追求」的前提,符合英文行文习惯。



诚意 be sincere in thought

格物 studying things

致知 acquiring knowledge

正心 rectifying one’s mind

修身 cultivating oneself

齐家 regulating one’s family well

治国 governing the state properly

平天下 bringing peace to all under heaven

《大学》 The Great Learning

以…为前提 has as one’s preceding stage

道德行为 moral conduct

真实意愿 true intention

道德规范 moral principle

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