《中国传统文化关键字》成人 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Complete Man

具备了健全德性与全面技能的人。在古人看来,“成人”的标志并不是年龄的增长所带来的身体的成熟,而是通过学习、修养获得了健全的德性和全面的技能。“成人”需要具备智慧、勇气,能够节制自己的欲望,并掌握各种技能, 从而恰当地应对、处理生活中的各种事务,使自己的言行始终合于道义。

A complete man refers to a person of sound moral integrity who also has command of various skills that in ancient times were needed to deal with social life. In the view of the ancient Chinese, a complete man did not just mean that a man reached adulthood. It also meant that a person had acquired sound morals and the skills required to adapt to society. A complete man needed to have wisdom, courage, and self-restraint and also to have mastered the skills necessary to appropriately deal with all types of matters in life, so that his words and deeds met the requirements of moral principles and justice.

🎈在翻译「具备了健全德性与全面技能的人」时,译文采用了a person of的表达方式,表示具有…品格或者特征的人;此外,在翻译「全面技能」时,译文除了翻译出command of various skills之外,还以一个定语从句增译出了「古时用以处世立身」的意义,以表示「掌握技能」的用处。


🎈原文中的「并不是」不是对「身体上成熟」一种否定,而是「不只是」的意思,故而译文中译为not just和also。

🎈在翻译本处「获得了健全的德性和全面的技能」一句时,本句译文采用了新的表达方式the skills required to adapt to society,与上文的翻译形式不同而意思相近,遵从了英文忌讳重复的行文习惯。

🎈在翻译「能够节制自己的欲望」,译文将动宾结构译文一个名词self-restraint,使得译文简洁流畅;译文在翻译「应对、处理」,因为两个动词是同一意思,所含的内涵也是相同的,故而译文合译为deal with。

🎈「合于」是「达到」的意思,所以译文使用met(meet 的过去式)


成人 Complete Man

健全德性 sound moral integrity

自我节制 self-restraint

合于道义 met the requirements of moral principles and justice

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