​​《中国传统文化关键字》般若 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


Buddhist Wisdom

The term is the transliteration of the Sanskrit wordprajna, meaning wisdom. It refers to the supreme wisdom with insight into the nature and reality of all things. Buddhism believes that such wisdom surpasses all secular understandings, and therefore is the guide for or essence of the effort aimed at achieving enlightenment and attaining Buddhahood or bodhisattvahood. This wisdom has no form, no appearance, and cannot be expressed in words. It can only be achieved by undertaking a variety of accessible Buddhist practices.

🎈译文首句将原文“梵文prajna的音译(或译为“波若”)。意为“智慧””两句合译为一句。接着译文对“般若”的具体含义进行翻译(It refers to the supreme wisdom with insight into the nature and reality of all things),代词“it”代指上文已经提到的“般若”;此外,在翻译“洞见一切事物本性、认识万物真相”时,译文将“一切事物”和“万物”合并,因为这两个词所含的意义是相同的,故而译为“all things”。

🎈在翻译““般若”是超越一切世俗认识的特殊智慧”一句时,译文将原文的主系表结构转化为主谓宾结构,译为“般若智慧超越了世俗认识”(such wisdom surpasses all secular understandings)。


🎈译文在翻译“无形无相,不可言说”这一文言文色彩浓厚的四字短句时,先将其译为白话,即“没有形式,没有外表,无法用语言表达”,再译为英语“no form, no appearance, and cannot be expressed in words”.

🎈在翻译“仅能依赖各种方便法门而有所领悟”一句时,译文以“ can only be achieved”表达“才能有所领悟”;而对于“方便法门”的处理,译文则还是先译为白话(佛家可行的实践方法),再译为英语“accessible Buddhist practices”


般若 Buddhist Wisdom

梵文 Sanskrit

最高智慧 supreme wisdom

洞见 insight into

世俗认识 secular understanding

菩萨 bodhisattvahood

无形无相,不可言说 no form, no appearance, and cannot be expressed in words

方便法门 accessible Buddhist practices

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