《中国传统文化关键字》本末 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Ben and Mo (The Fundamental and the Incidental)


The two characters literally mean the different parts of a plant, namely, its root and its foliage. The extended meaning is a important concept in Chinese philosophical discourse. 1)Ben(本) refers to what is fundamental or essential while mo(末)means what is minor or incidental, two qualities that differ in value and importance.


🎈本段译文末尾采用了增译的方法,体现在two qualities that differ in value and importance。原文中并无此表达,此句属于额外的总结性话语。在表达了「本」的重要性和「末」的不重要性后,由于英语是一门逻辑缜密的语言,因此译文写出原文中所暗含的两者相互对立的性质便十分有必要。


Ben refers to the existence of the world in an ontological sense while mo represents any specific thing or phenomenon. 3) In Daoist political philosophy ben is a state in which rule is exercised by not disrupting the natural order of the world, while mo refers to moral standards and fundamental principles governing social behavior. In any ben mo relationship, ben is most important and plays a dominant role, while mo exists thanks to ben.On the other hand,it is through the vehicle of mo that ben exerts its influence. Thus the two, though different, are mutually dependent.

🎈在解释本与末的第二个方面时,并没有生硬的将「是」译作is,而是采用了refers to和represents,这样符合英语忌讳重复的行文习惯。且使用了while,表明了两者的对立关系。

🎈将「无为之治」译作notdisrupting the natural order of the world是一种意译的方式,不拘泥于中文原文,而是将「遵从自然,不违反自然之道」的意思呈现出来。

🎈在翻译「末」由「本」而生,依赖「本」而存在时,译者采用了意译的方式,以thanks to表达了「由…而生」和「依…而存」的意思,显得灵活流畅。而On the other hand的使用则承上启下,表现出了上下句之间的所存在的逻辑关系,使得行文过渡流畅自然。thus的使用也表达了前后之间的因果关系——由于末依赖于本而存在,而本又借助末来表达,因此两者之间相互区别和依赖。


本末 Ben and Mo / The Fundamental and the Incidental

梢 foliage

引申意 extended meaning

根本的 fundamental

基本的 essential

在…不同 differ in

本体意义 ontological sense

道家的 Daoist

无为而治 not disrupting the natural order of the world

占据主导性地位 play a dominant role

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