全面准确坚定不移贯彻“一国两制” -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


各位代表!Fellow Deputies, 我们要继续全面准确、坚定不移贯彻“一国两制”“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,落实中央对特别行政区全面管治权,坚定落实“爱国者治港”、“爱国者治澳”。全力支持特别行政区政府依法施政。支持港澳发展经济、改善民生,更好融入国家发展大局,保持 香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。

We will maintain our firm commitment to the letter and spirit of the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We will ensure that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over the two special administrative regions, and firmly uphold the principle that Hong Kong and Macao should be governed by patriots. We will fully support the governments of these two special administrative regions in exercising law-based governance. We will help Hong Kong and Macao develop their economies and improve the wellbeing of their people, see that these two regions better integrate themselves into the country’s overall development, and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.

🎈港人治港+澳人治澳是以「一国两制」这一基本国策为基点的,处理为under+which引导的从句。「高度自治」处理为了with引导的介词短语并后置。「落实对……的全面管治权」即「确保对……开展了全面管治」ensure that XXX exercises…over…

🎈一国两制(One Country, Two Systems):「一个国家,两种制度」,是中国政府为实现国家和平统一而提出的基本国策。按照邓小平的论述,「一国两制」是指在一个中国的前提下,国家的主体坚持社会主义制度,香港、澳门、台湾保持原有的资本主义制度长期不变。「一国两制」是邓小平同志提出的具有中国特色社会主义理论之一,是为解决台湾问题,恢复对香港、澳门行使主权,实现祖国和平统一而提出的重大战略决策和科学构想.

🎈全面管治权(overall jurisdiction):《“一国两制”在香港特别行政区的实践》白皮书指出,宪法和香港基本法规定的特别行政区制度是国家对某些区域采取的特殊管理制度。在这一制度下,中央拥有对香港特别行政区的全面管治权,既包括中央直接行使的权力,也包括授权香港特别行政区依法实行高度自治。对于香港特别行政区的高度自治权,中央具有监督权力。

🎈爱国者治港+爱国者治澳是准则,由于主语都是「爱国者」,则可以处理为被动语态形式,且两个短语合二为一,即A+B should be governed by patriots

🎈「特别行政区政府」增译these two。原因之一是英文不喜重复,两个特别行政区上文已提及,所以用代词these来指代;原因之二是要交代具体信息,点明是两个特别行政区——香港特别行政区+澳门特别行政区,译文使得背景信息呈现更为具体。

🎈「更好融入国家发展大局」中,出现了「更好」一词,之前多次提及ensure与see that的用法,后文可跟比较级,需熟练掌握并会灵活运用,可为译文增色不少。

🎈全面准确、坚定不移贯彻 maintain our firm commitment to the letter and spirit of…

🎈一国两制 One Country, Two Systems

🎈港人治港 the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong

🎈澳人治澳 the people of Macao administer Macao

🎈高度自治 a high degree of autonomy

🎈中央(政府) the central government

🎈(实施)全面管治权 exercise overall jurisdiction

🎈特别行政区 special administrative regions

🎈坚定落实 firmly uphold the principle that…

🎈爱国者治港、爱国者治澳 Hong Kong and Macao should be governed by patriots

🎈全力支持 fully support…in…

🎈(两个)特别行政区政府 the governments of the two special administrative regions

🎈 依法施政 exercise law-based governance

🎈发展经济、改善民生 develop their economies and improve the wellbeing of their people

🎈融入 integrate oneself into…

🎈国家发展大局 the country’s overall development

🎈保持长期繁荣稳定 maintain the long-term prosperity and stability

我们要坚持对台工作大政方针,贯彻新时代党解决台湾问题的总体方略,坚持一个中国原则和 “九二共识”,推进两岸关系和平发展和祖国统一。坚决反对“台独”分裂行径,坚决反对外 部势力干涉。两岸同胞要和衷共济,共创民族复兴的光荣伟业。

We remain committed to the major principles and policies on work related to Taiwan, to the Party’s overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, and to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. We will advance the peaceful growth of relations across the Taiwan Strait and the reunification of China. We firmly oppose any separatist activities seeking“Taiwan independence” and firmly oppose foreign interference. All of us, Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, should come together to advance the great and glorious cause of China’s rejuvenation.

🎈「对台工作大政方针」即「对(关于)台湾工作的主要方针+政策」,「关于」译为了其非谓语动词作后置定语的形式,related to…。「大」指的是重要性程度「大」,此种情况下多选用major一词。另外,要注意「方针+政策」——principles and policies一般同时出现,多加积累。


🎈台湾海峡两岸关系(简称两岸关系)(relations across the Taiwan Strait):是指位于台湾海峡西侧的中国大陆(简称大陆)与位于台湾海峡东侧的台湾地区彼此间的全部互动关系。

🎈「反对台独分裂行径」中,「行径」指「坏的行为、举动」,seeking…为非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰separatist activities,「意图寻求台湾独立的分裂活动」,这是一种分裂主义思潮和运动,我们应该热爱自己的祖国。

🎈最后一句增译all of us,尽管是「两岸同胞」,大家也都是中国人,因为台湾本身就自古以来是中国的一部分,绝对不可分割。所以译为了Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait。我们自己在翻译政治文本时,也一定要坚定自己正确的政治立场与世界观。

🎈坚持 remain committed to…

🎈对台工作大政方针 the major principles and policies on work related to Taiwan

🎈新时代党解决……问题的总体方略 the Party’s overall policy for resolving the…question in the new era

🎈总体方略 the overall policy

🎈新时代 in the new era

🎈解决台湾问题 resolve the Taiwan question

🎈一个中国原则 the one-China principle

🎈九二共识 the 1992 Consensus

🎈(推进)和平发展 (advance)the peaceful growth of

🎈两岸关系 relations across the Taiwan Strait

🎈祖国统一 the reunification of China

🎈坚决反对 firmly oppose

🎈 “台独”分裂行径 separatist activities seeking “Taiwan independence”

🎈 外部势力干涉 foreign interference

🎈两岸同胞 Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait

🎈和衷共济 come together to…(注意遣词)

🎈光荣伟业 the great and glorious cause

3.各位代表!Fellow Deputies, 我们要坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚定不移走和平发展道路,推动建设新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。推进落实全球发展倡议,弘扬全人类共同价值。中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者,愿同国际社会一道,为促进世界和平稳定 与发展繁荣作出新的更大贡献!

China will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, stay on the path of peaceful development, work for a new type of international relations, and endeavor to build a human community with a shared future. We will pursue the Global Development Initiative and promote the shared values of all humanity. China will always work to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and preserve international order. We stand ready to work with all others in the international community to make new and greater contributions to promoting world peace, stability, development and prosperity.

🎈「坚持」即「致力于」,pursue除了当「追求」讲以外,另一种释义为to do sth or try to achieve sth over a period of time 致力于,执行,贯彻。「我们」即「中国」,主语为China,后面的举措直译即可,注意积累固定搭配的表达。

🎈「中国始终是建设者、贡献者、维护者」,若译为China has always been…of…略显死板,其核心意义为「中国始终坚持A.维护世界和平+B.为全球发展做贡献+C.维护国际秩序」,处理为主谓形式即可,注意动词的选用。

🎈独立自主的和平外交政策 an independent foreign policy of peace

🎈坚持/坚定不移走……道路 continue to pursue/stay on the path of,,,

🎈和平发展道路 the path of peaceful development

🎈新型国际关系 a new type of international relations

🎈推动建设/构建 work for…/endeavor to build…

🎈人类命运共同体 a human community with a shared future

🎈全球发展倡议 the Global Development Initiative

🎈全人类共同价值 the shared values of all humanity

🎈世界和平的建设者(维护世界和平)safeguard world peace

🎈全球发展的贡献者(为全球发展作贡献)contribute to global development

🎈国际秩序的维护者(维护国际秩序)preserve international order

🎈 愿同……一道 stand ready to work with all others in…

🎈国际社会 the international community

🎈作出新的更大贡献 make new and greater contributions to(doing…)

🎈 促进世界和平稳定与发展繁荣 promote world peace, stability, development and prosperity

4..各位代表!Fellow Deputies, 中国的发展从来都是在应对挑战中前进的,中国人民有战胜任何艰难险阻的勇气、智慧和力量。我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜, 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导。攻坚克难,砥砺奋进,努力完成全年目标任务, 以实际行动迎接党的二十大胜利召开,为把我国建设成为富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现 代化强国、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不懈奋斗!

It has always been in the course of meeting challenges that China has advanced its development. We the Chinese people have the courage, vision and strength to overcome any obstacle or difficulty. We must rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will meet challenges squarely, forge ahead determinedly, work hard to fulfill this year’s goals and tasks, set the stage for the 20th National Congress of the CPC with concrete actions, and continue working tirelessly to build our country into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful, and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

🎈第一句话以强调句的口吻,强调了任何事物的发展都从来不是一帆风顺的,中国能迎来今天的盛世,是在机遇与挑战并存的境况中存活下来并发展壮大的。has always been表示无论过去、现在还是将来,这种情况会一直持续下去,我们要抓住机遇、迎接挑战,建设更美丽的中国。

🎈「中国人民有战胜任何艰难险阻的勇气、智慧和力量」中,「中国人民」处理为了we, the Chinese people,字里行间流露出身为华夏儿女的自豪之情。

🎈「以实际行动迎接党的二十大胜利召开」中,「迎接」即「做好准备、为……铺平道路」set the stage for…



🎈从来都是 It has always been …

🎈在……过程中 in the course of…

🎈应对挑战 meet challenges

🎈发展(增词)advance its development

🎈有……的勇气、智慧和力量 have the courage, vision and strength to

🎈战胜任何艰难险阻 overcome any obstacle or difficulty

🎈更加紧密地团结在……周围 rally more closely around

🎈党中央 the CPC Central Committee

🎈以习近平同志为核心 the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core

🎈高举……伟大旗帜 hold high the banner of…

🎈中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics

🎈 以…为指导 follow the guidance of

🎈 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

🎈攻坚克难 meet challenges squarely

🎈砥砺奋进 forge ahead determinedly

🎈努力完成全年目标任务 work hard to fulfill this year’s goals and tasks

🎈迎接(为……铺平道路、做好准备)set the stage for…

🎈党的二十大 the 20th National Congress of the CPC

🎈以实际行动 with concrete actions

🎈为把我国建设成为……而不懈奋斗 continue working tirelessly to build our country into…

🎈富强民主文明和谐美丽的 prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful

🎈社会主义现代化强国 a great modern socialist country

🎈实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦 realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation


1) 全面准确、坚定不移贯彻

2) 特别行政区

3) 依法施政

4) 新时代党解决……问题的总体方略

5) 两岸关系

6) 祖国统一

7) “台独”分裂行径

8) 愿同……一道

9) 更加紧密地团结在……周围

10) 高举……伟大旗帜

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