丰子恺《吃瓜子》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



在酒席上、茶楼上,我看见过无数咬瓜子的圣手。近来瓜子大王畅销,我国的小孩子们也都学会了咬瓜子的绝技。我的技术,在国内不如小孩子们远甚,只能在外国人面前占胜。记得从前我在赴横滨的轮船中,与一个日本人同舱。偶检行箧,发见亲友所赠的一罐瓜子。旅途寂寥,我就打开来和日本人共吃。这是他平生没有吃过的东西,他觉得非常珍奇。在这时候,我便老实不客气地装出内行的模样,把吃法教导他,并且示范地吃给他看。托祖国的福,这示范没有失败。但看那日本人的练习,真是可怜的很!他如法将瓜子塞进口中,“格”地一咬,然而咬时不得其法,将唾液把瓜子的外壳完全部浸湿,拿在手里剥的时候,滑来滑去,无从下手,终于滑落在地上,无处寻找了。他空咽一口唾液,再选一粒来咬。这回他剥时非常小心,把咬碎了的瓜子陈列在舱中的食桌上,俯伏了头,细细地剥,好像修理钟表的样子。约莫一二分钟之后,好容易剥得了些瓜仁的碎片,郑重地塞进口里去吃。我问他滋味如何,他点点头连称umami, umami!(好吃,好吃!)我不禁笑了出来。我看他那阔大的嘴里放进一些瓜仁的碎屑,犹如沧海中投以一粟,亏他辨出umami的滋味来。但我的笑不仅为这点滑稽,本由于骄矜自夸的心理。我想,这毕竟是中国人独得的技术,像我这样对于此道最拙劣的人,也能在外国人面前占胜,何况国内无数精通此道的少爷、小姐们呢?
Eating Melon Seeds
—By Feng Zikai
🎈瓜子 melon seed

I was once told that all the Chinese are entitled to three PhD titles: Doctor of Chopsticks, Doctor of Paper Spills, and Doctor of Melon Seeds.
🎈entitle sb. to do表示「使某人享有权利、使符合资格」,常用被动态。
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.

Using chopsticks, blowing on spills, and cracking melon seeds are indeed skills unique to the Chinese, and their consummate abilities may take bystanders by surprise.
🎈吃瓜子可以说eat melon seeds,但不如crack melon seeds(嗑瓜子)传神。
🎈让某人感到意外/措手不及 take/catch sb. by surprise
Dumbledore’s abrupt departure took Harry completely by surprise.
But this visit did catch other countries by surprise.

For those adept in the art, a pair of chopsticks can replace a knife, fork, ladle and similar utensils. The Chinese can skillfully use their chopsticks to gather and select from a wealth of ingredients as if the two bamboo sticks became a part of the body like tentacles for seizing food, almost as extensions of their forefingers.
🎈For those adept in the art:
There was public outcry from those opposed to abortion. 
All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address. 
The church service is a memorial to those killed in the war. 
I’m going to sort these old books into those to be kept and those to be thrown away. 
There is no alternative for those with no car of their own. 
6、+定语从句,此时分人(who)、物(which),有时也可用that、whose、in which等引导。
The disease is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par. 
🎈形近词adept, adopt, adapt
1、adept adj. 熟练的,内行的
在…方面很熟练be adept at / in …
2、adopt v. 领养;采取,采用;正式批准
领养一个孤儿adopt an orphan
养子adopted son
养父母adoptive parents / foster-parents
采用一个新主意adopt a new idea
采用一种新技术adopt a new technique
adoption n. 领养;采纳,采用
3、adapt v.(使)适应;改编
She quickly adapted to the new climate.
The movie was adapted from a novel.
🎈很多的、大量的 a wealth of…
There’s a wealth of books in the library.
🎈触手,触角 tentacle
天线 antenna

They can manipulate chopsticks just like a magician conjuring tricks; their superb skill, which comes from practice, can even leave other Chinese spellbound, not to mention Westerners.
🎈魔法师 magician
变戏法,变魔术 conjure tricks
操纵 manipulate
🎈熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.
🎈高超技巧 superb skill
dead 死的,无感觉的 
empty 空的;空洞的
absolute 完全的,绝对的 
alone 单独的,独一无二的
equal 平等的 
eternal 永恒的,不变的
final 最终的,决定性的 
horizontal 水平的
perfect 完美的 
primary 第一位的
single 单一的 
square 正方形的
pregnant 怀孕的;丰富的 
round 圆的,球形的
unique 唯一的,独特的 
unanimous 意见一致的,无异议的
straight 直的 
supreme 最高的,至高的 

As for those adept in the art of blowing on spills, no one can emulate the old gentlemen and ladies who cradle a water pipe all day long. It’s easier for them to create flames than God. They need only to blow on the spill and the flames magically appear.
🎈一天到晚,一整天 all day long
🎈捧水烟筒cradle a water pipe
I cradled her in my arms.
He was sitting at the big table cradling a large bowl of milky coffee.
2、水烟筒,俗称大碌竹,是民众吸烟的常用工具。长约70厘米,直径7厘米,竹筒中部插一小铜管或小竹管,是点烟丝的地方,竹筒内装着水,上部开口处 用于吸烟。据说,这样吸烟,烟要先经过水的过滤,少了许多毒素,故而比吸旱烟科学。
Anyway, please remember anytime that smoking is detrimental to your health
吸水烟是中国传统的吸烟方式之一。水烟可以通过水烟袋的水烟筒吸食。水烟袋和水烟筒都是通过袋和筒里的清水,用嘴吸,使里面产生负压,而使烟气通过水吸入口中的,吸食时发出 “咕……咕”的声音。在云南吸水烟筒至今还可看到,而水烟袋则比较少见了。

No need for them to pay several dollars for a lighter! So long as they have a piece of paper, they can turn it into a spill whenever needed. Then the paper is thrust into one of the holes in the bronze brazier’s lid, pulled out and blown upon. Observe the flames!
🎈打火机 lighter
闪电 lightning
🎈把…扎进… thrust… into…
一头扎进人群 thrust one’s way into the crowd

As a child, I often saw our dyeing shop’s bookkeeper perform all sorts of blowing stunts.
🎈染坊店the dyeing shop
裁缝铺 the tailor shop /the tailor’s
理发店 the babershop/the hairdresser’s
🎈特技 stunt
特技男演员stunt man 
特技女演员stunt woman

When I held the spill above his forehead, he would stick out his lower lip to blow upward; if I put the spill before his chest, he would stretch his upper lip to blow downward; if I placed the spill beside his ears, he would twist his mouth to blow either right or left; if I pressed his mouth with a hand, he would blow with his nostrils. There was no stopping him from blowing the spill into flames in no more than two attempts.
🎈blow either right or left中right和left是副词,分别表示on or to the right/left
左右张望 look left and right
🎈There was no stopping him from blowing the spill into flames…是There is no doing结构,表示「不(可)能…,很难…」
There is no saying such words.
There is no knowing what he will think up next.

The Chinese people’s high achievement in blowing on spills can be seen from these wonderful skills demonstrated by our venerable book-keeper.

Alas! After cigarettes and matches found their way into China and became prevalent, the ‘national tobacco’ for the water pipe was left out in the cold and so the ‘national art’ of blowing a spill was almost forgotten.
🎈冷落,排斥 leave sb./sth. out in the cold
Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks.

Much to my surprise, some city-bred children have no idea how to blow on a spill, and some have never even seen it done. Those striving to preserve the essence of Chinese culture should be worried about this grim situation.
🎈this grim situation
grim adj.令人不快的,令人沮丧的(英义unpleasant and depressing)
face the grim prospect of still higher unemployment 

In recent years, many famous people have dedicated themselves to the preservation of the quintessence of Chinese culture, such as Chinese medical science, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese martial arts, and Chinese music. Probably the water pipe and paper spill will be advocated and revived in the future.
🎈献身、把(时间、精力等)用于… dedicate…to…
But you decide to dedicate your entire day to finish it.
🎈国粹 quintessence of Chinese culture
中国的四大国粹分别指的是中国京剧、中国武术(martial arts)、中国医学(medical science)和中国书法。
🎈借尸还魂 revive in a new guise
中华民族伟大复兴 China’s national rejuvenation

Of the three skills under discussion, I think that of cracking melon seeds is the most developed. Recently, the booming sales of ‘Melon Seed Baron’ have demonstrated its dominance in the marketplace.
🎈that of cracking melon seeds中that指代skill。
🎈畅销 the booming sales(销售额)/ a boom in sales/ sell like hot cakes
Landers’ letters, later appearing in several collections, have been selling like hot cakes.

Those who have closely followed this trend would have seen that quite a few other brands of melon seeds have also been thriving on the market. 

First, a large company claimed that they had their melon seeds scientifically prepared, and then it was followed by a host of other delicacy companies who launched their products one after another. Today at any sweetmeats stall in the backwoods, melon seeds are displayed in paper bags and sold at moderate prices.
🎈had their melon seeds prepared是have sth. done的结构。have在这个搭配里是使役动词 意为使…让…,比如have my bicycle repaired意思是使我的自行车被修理,其实就是说修我的自行车。又,此处“半透明”译作了“transparent(透明的)”,而非translucent(半透明的),是因为专门找此种性质的瓶子就是为了观察蟋蟀,故不选用translucent(指光能投过去,但影像不一定清晰)。
🎈at any sweetmeats stall in the backwoods:
糖果在美国英语中叫candy,在英国英语中叫sweet。sweetmeat (尤)指(特殊的)甜食、糖果、果脯。backwoods指未开垦的荒地或偏僻的森林地带。

This proves the adeptness of the Chinese in cracking melon seeds throughout the country.
🎈全国 all over/ through/ across the country

Honestly, I am clumsy at the art, but if I were to admit this to Westerners, I would lose face with my countrymen. However, I don’t think it will hurt to tell this to my fellow Chinese.
🎈虚拟语气:If + S. + did / were … , S. + would / should / could / might + do …。原文中的would+ V原表示一种虚拟语气,是一种与现在事实相反的假设。

I have never looked for seeds nor purchased any before on my own. However, when I am urged to eat seeds at a relative’s place or when I spy some on a try at a banquet or in a teahouse, I always take some and bite into them.
🎈既没有…也没有(来做某事… have neither… nor…(to do…)

I keep my eyes open looking for the bigger, fatter and more evenly shaped seeds, and then slip one onto my back teeth and crack it open, then take it out of my mouth and remove the shell with my fingers.
🎈平均分配/分开evenly distributed/divided
势均力敌 evenly matched
以四厘米的间隔均匀分布evenly spaced at four cm apart
🎈臼齿 back teeth/molar

If I bite it in the right place, the seed will split in half without breaking the kernel and this makes the shelling easy. If I bite too hard, the seed will break and each half of the kernel will be jammed in the shell. This will create misery for me.
🎈给瓜子剥皮 shell v.
给香蕉等等剥皮 peel v.
给动物剥皮 skin v.
There’s a loose part that keeps jamming the mechanism.

The seed is vertically broken into two and each half of the kernel is embedded in its own half shell, just as the Japanese bind their books with the pages tightly crammed into thick, open-ended cases. To get them out is such a problem!
🎈with the pages tightly crammed into thick是with复合结构。
with复合结构在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。常见形式有七种,with+名词/代词+介词短语(形容词/副词/名词/done/-ing分词/to do)
🎈把…塞进… cram… into…
Chinese history books are equally important. When I was leaving China to study abroad, father bought a set of the Tong Wen lithographic edition of the First Four Books of History, and crammed them into my travelling box, taking up half of its space.

But now I have learned some tricks from the Japanese. Instead of digging the pages out with my fingers, I hold the case downward with both hands and shake it up and down a couple of times, allowing the books to fall out of their case by themselves.
🎈trick可以指“技巧、窍门”或者“花招,计谋”。比如万圣节前夜(On october31st)这天孩子们会穿好装束,挨家挨户的说不给糖就捣蛋,人们会给他们一些糖果(children all over the country will don costumes and go house to house saying the words “trick or treat” so people will give them candy)
走来走去(尤指由于烦躁、焦虑等) pace up and down
自上而下地打量某人 eye/look sb. up and down
尾巴一翘一翘with its tail waving up and down
来回;往复up and down/back and forth
She was pacing up and down in front of her desk.
🎈「往来不绝」译作zooming up and down,其中zoom意为「快速移动」
zoom in放大
zoom out缩小
zoom off迅速离开

However, this method is not applicable to the cracking of melon seeds because the half kernel of seed is too small, and so I have to pick at the shell carefully with my fingernails.
🎈pick at sth.
1. (反复地)揪,扯
He tried to undo the knot by picking at it with his fingers.
2. 少量地吃;吃一点点
Sarah picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but she wasn’t really hungry.

But since I play the piano occasionally, I keep my fingernails cropped as close as a monk’s head. In this case there is nothing I can do about the kernel and I have to throw it away when no one is looking.

When frustration sets in, I decide not to crack melon seeds any more. Yet after I give them up, I feel a fragrant taste neither sweet nor salty lingering in my mouth, enticing me to eat on. I cannot help reaching for another seed, and commit it to my molars for a bite.
🎈(不好的事情)产生,开始,到来,恶化 set in
Then disappointment sets in as they see the magic is no longer there…
🎈lingering adj.持久的
色彩不浓,回味不永lack strong colour and lingering flavour
🎈把…交给… commit… to…
She had not committed anything to paper about this matter.
🎈molar n. 臼齿;磨牙
any of the twelve large teeth at the back of the mouth used for crushing and chewing food

If the seed is too dry and the bite too violent, the shell and kernel will crack into untold pieces, just as jade and stone are tossed together.
🎈If the seed is too dry and the bite (is) too violent省略了并列结构中的第二个be动词。

When this happens, I have no choice but to spit out the remnants, already wet with saliva, into my palm, dispose of the crushed shell, and then lick up the bits of kernel with the tip of my tongue.
🎈saliva n.口水,唾液
larva n.幼虫
🎈口误 a slip of tongue
A slip of the tongue at the conference resulted in a big loss.
🎈get rid of … = dispose of …
It took me over half an hour to get rid of him.
I used weedkiller to get rid of the weeds in the garden.

Again, the screening is by no means easy, for the inside of the cracked shell is as white as the bits of kernel and often I lick and chew it by mistake. The taste is not as bad as chewing wax, but it is no better than chewing grit.
🎈句中所说的场景和生活中把姜误认为土豆或肉食用一样让人抓狂。the bits of kernel中的bit作可数名词,指(事物的)一部分
The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon.

If bits of shell get stuck between my teeth and toothpicks are not available nearby, there is nothing I can do to get them out. Whenever I meet with such setbacks, I resolve never to touch melon seeds again.
🎈牙签 toothpick
牙签 dental floss
电动牙刷 electric toothbrush
漱口水 mouthwash
牙膏 toothpaste
漱口 rinse my mouth
🎈resolve v.1解决 2决定
解决问题/争端resolve a problem / dispute
决定… resolve to do … / that … = decide to do … / that …

My attempt to abstain consists of nothing more than drinking some tea to rinse my mouth, or having a cigarette, or pushing the plate out of reach, or looking away from the seeds in an attempt to show my disinterest.
🎈企图或试图做某事 attempt to do
引诱某人… tempt sb. to…

However, after talking with the other guests for a few minutes, I find myself forgetfully reaching out like the others and taking another bite of melon seed. Before I realize it, I have broken my vow to abstain and have already eaten quite a few. 
🎈破戒,违背誓言 break one’s vow
Now you want me to break another sacred vow.

So, after eating I vow to abstain and after abstaining I continue to eat. This endless cycle repeats itself again and again. I have endured my share of afflictions and the mere thought of melon seeds still fills me with fright even today.
🎈one’s share of指某人应得/做的一份。
It is due to their bountiful free gifts that I also have my share of warmth and happiness in my life.

Yet many people are well versed in this art.
对某物很熟悉be familiar with sth.
be adept at / in …
be versed in…
be proficient in…
be very good at…
be skillful at…
excel in…

Of the three traditional Chinese skills, I think the talent of eating melon seeds is the most admirable.
🎈is the most admirable:形容词最高级作表语前通常用the,例如:You are the best.

Often I’ve noticed idle young gentlemen holding their cigarette in one hand while holding a handful of melon seeds in the other, eating, smoking, laughing and talking. What a free and easy life they enjoy!
🎈while holding a handful of melon seeds in the other也可替换成with a handful of melon seeds in the other (hand).

They do not have to pick and choose seeds, nor shell them with their fingers. After they throw a seed into their mouth and bite it with a click, they will spit out the shell with a plop and begin to chew the kernel.
🎈plop n.啪嗒声
英义:A plopping sound or movement.

Their mouths are like exquisite, sensitive machines, constantly taking in melon seeds, uttering sounds of Click, Plop, Click, Plop… effortlessly and nonstop.
🎈不停歇nonstop= without making a single stop on the way 

Young ladies crack melon seeds with even more gusto and grace. With their slender fingers they hold the round end of the seed, then place the seed vertically between their front teeth, and then and bite at the pointed end. With two ‘cracks’, it splits toward both sides.
🎈尖端 the pointed end
圆端 the round end
水平地 horizonatlly
🎈门牙 front teeth

Nimbly, they turn their fingers and at the same time tilt their heads so that the seed is placed horizontally between their front teeth. They pry open the shell with their front teeth, then grasp the end of the kernel and pull it out to bite.
🎈 nimble  adj.灵活的;敏捷的
nibble v.啃咬
numb adj.麻木的
🎈pry open the shell(撬开壳)也可写作pry the shell open。
At the direction of someone, I found my way to the house and ascended its stone steps. Its gate was left unlatched, so I pushed it open.
其中push it open即指push the door open,相当于push open the door。但所接宾语为代词时,需将其放在v.和open中间,以push…open的形式出现。

How crisp it sounds! And how graceful and seductive the way a young lady can turn her hand and head! Even the discarded shells look pretty, like so many lovely orchids.
🎈 the way后可接
1、in which
2、that(此时that是关系副词,而不是关系代词,相当于in which)
同样的还有:the time+ when或at which或that或 / ;the day + when或on which或that或 / 

As can be seen, cracking melon seeds is an accomplishment of young Chinese people, and particularly a specialty of young Chinese ladies.
🎈As can be seen是定语从句,as关系代词作从句的主语,代指整个主句。

At banquets and in the teahouses, I have seen innumerable great masters of this skill of cracking seeds.
🎈无数的 untold/ innumerable

Now, with the recent boom in the sales of ‘Melon Seed Baron’, many Chinese children have also acquired the skill. In terms of ability, I am far inferior to the children, but stand a head above foreigners.
🎈 baron n. 巨头,大王,大亨
the British press barons 英国新闻业巨子
🎈得到某物obtain. sth.= get / lay one’s hands on sth. 
I would read any book I could get / lay my hands on.
🎈远不如某人 be far inferior to sb.
Tom’s handwriting is far better than yours.
It is still colder today than yesterday.

I remember once sharing a cabin with a Japanese traveler on a ship bound for Yokohama. When looking through my bags, I discovered a tin of melon seeds that a relative of mine had given to me.
🎈要到…去;驶往… be bound for…
The ship was bound for Italy.
homeward bound (= going home)在回家途中

To relieve the tedium of the voyage, I opened the box and offered some to my travelling companion. Since he had never eaten them before, he found them unique and challenging.

On this occasion, I brazened it out and pretended to be an expert, instructing him on the method and providing a demonstration. Thank Heaven it did not fail. Just imagine the miserable, awkward Japanese!
🎈厚着脸皮,硬着头皮以示不觉羞愧 brazen it out
If you are caught, simply argue that ‘everyone does it’ and brazen it out

He put the seed into his mouth as instructed and bit with a ‘click’, but because he did not bite it the right way, the whole husk of the seed was all wet with saliva. When he tried to shell it, it slipped back and forth in his hands and nothing could be done about it. Unexpectedly, it fell to the ground and was nowhere to be found.
🎈壳 shell/husk
uexpect v.期望,预料
except v.不包括
expectation n. 期待;期望;预期
exception n.例外

He swallowed his saliva and then picked up another seed. This time he did it with utmost care. He laid pieces of crushed melon seed on the table, and then bent his head to pick at the meat carefully as if he were repairing a clock.
🎈meat (flesh taken from a dead animal that people cook and eat)用在这里指代瓜子仁怪别扭的。
pulp 果肉(the soft part inside the skin of fruit or vegetables)
flesh 果肉([U] the soft part of fruit and vegetables, especially when it is eaten)
kernel 仁,核([C] the part inside the shell of a nut)
pip(某些水果的)种子,籽 (the small hard seed that is found in some types of fruit)
nutlet 果核(the stone or pit of certain fruits such as the peach or cherry)
stone 果核(the large hard seed in the middle of a plum, cherry, or other fruit)【in AM, usually use ‘pit’】

约莫一二分钟之后,好容易剥得了些瓜仁的碎片,郑重地塞进口里去吃。我问他滋味如何,他点点头连称umami, umami!(好吃,好吃!)
About two minutes later, he selected some pieces of kernel with much difficulty and solemnly thrust them into his mouth. I asked him how it tasted, and he nodded constantly and replied umami, umami (wonderful)!
补充:基本五味:酸、甜、苦、咸、鲜 !古话有云,“羊大为美,鱼羊为鲜”, “咸中有味淡中鲜”等,尽管中国人念叨果蔬之鲜、鱼虾之鲜的历史有很长,袁枚的《随园食单》更是孜孜不倦于“鲜味”,但并没有在科学上真正解释出什么是鲜,真正在世界范围内定义了鲜味的,还是擅长各种稀奇古怪研究的日本人。对于拥有几千年的美食大国,站在全球饮食鄙视链顶端的中国人来说,可谓是一种遗憾。
鲜味的发现是100多年前的事情。1908 年,原东京帝国大学(现东京大学)池田菊苗博士发现昆布能让高汤鲜美,对其研究后从昆布中成功提取出了谷氨酸,将这种味道命名为「うま味・Umami」、即鲜味。
多年来,科学家一直争论鲜味是否确实是一种基本味道,直到1985 年在夏威夷首个鲜味国际讨论会中,「うま味・UMAMI」一词获官方认可为学术用词,被人们认知为一种基本味觉,用来描述谷氨酸及核苷酸的味道。现如今,其已被广泛接受为第五种基本味觉——鲜味。鲜味在世界所有的主要语言中被称作 「UMAMI」,这种写法是由池田菊苗教授组合「うまい・Umai」与「味・Mi」这两个日语的罗马拼音的略写而定的。 

The crumbs in his big mouth seemed like mere chestnuts in an ocean—I wondered how he could find the umami taste. Both his clumsy performance and my superiority complex were amusing.
🎈沧海一粟 mere chestnuts in an ocean
🎈优越心理 superiority complex
其中complex是名词,是一种a mental state。
to suffer from a guilt complex

After all, this is a unique skill of the Chinese. I am most awkward with melon seeds, but I am at least ahead of the Japanese, though not as highly skilled as the young ladies and gentlemen.

The first eater of melon seeds must have been an amazing genius! There is no more effective way of relieving boredom than cracking seeds. If killing time is your object, nothing short of smoking opium can rival it.
🎈天才 genius/prodigy
A genius is a highly talented, creative, or intelligent person.
A prodigy is someone young who has a great natural ability for something such as music, mathematics, or sport.(类似于“神童”)
🎈消磨岁月→打发时间 while away the time/ relieve the tedium/ relieve boredom/ kill time

It is most effective because it meets the following three conditions: you never get tired of the taste, you never get full from eating, and you have to shell them. You never tire of cracking melon seeds, or in other words, you cannot stop eating until they are all gone. 
🎈厌烦… be/get tired of…或tire of…

Their fragrance and taste, neither sweet nor salty, tempts you to eat more and more. You might think that you will just have one and then stop, yet after you chew it up and swallow it, its lingering fragrant smell and taste will entice you to reach into the plate or paper bag time and again.
🎈fragrant adj.香的
fragrance n.香气
flagrant adj. 骇人听闻的;罪恶昭彰的;公然的
flagrance n. 恶名昭彰;罪大恶极
🎈诱使某人做某事 tempt/entice sb. to do sth.
Retailers have tried almost everything to entice shoppers through their doors.
🎈屡次,一次又一次,一再 time after time/ time and (time) again
You will get a perfect result time after time if you follow these instructions.

Usually, if a certain food were either sweet or salty, you would quickly be fed up, but if they are neither you will never get satiated. The perpetual appeal of melon seeds probably results from their peculiar flavour.
🎈feed up有两种意思
厌烦 be fed up with…=get/be satiated [usually passive. ‘satiate sb.’ means to give sb。so much of sth. that they do not feel they want any more](也有“满足的意思”)
把…喂胖 feed sb. up
She is too thin. Feed her up a bit.

A friend of mine, who is an old hand at socializing, told me a funny story related to his habit of eating melon seeds whenever he sees them.
🎈老手;经验丰富的人 old hand
An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.
🎈讲述 tell/relate
She related her tale of living rough.

One day he went to the theatre with a friend of his and, after taking his seat, saw an opened packet of seeds by his teapot. He reached into the packet and casually fished out some, and ate them while he enjoyed the play. 
🎈就坐 take one’s seat
🎈(从 … 中)取出,拿出,拖出
fish out sth. (of sth.)/ fish sth. out (of sth.)
She fished a piece of paper out of the pile on her desk.

After finishing what he had in his hand, he took some more and continued to eat. Later, he noticed a woman audience sitting next to him also take seeds from the bag. Not until then did he wonder who the real owner was.
🎈直到那时我才… Not until then did I…

So he asked his friend under his breath, ‘‘Did you buy the seeds?” 
The man said “No”. Immediately he realized that he had eaten their neighbour’s seeds without asking her permission and so immediately apologized. 
The neighbour, who was pretty, dismissed it with a smile and simply treated the men to the seeds.
🎈用某物招待某人 treat sb. to sth. (注意表达中sb和sth的位置,不要前后颠倒)
She was always treating him to ice cream.

It proves that melon seeds have a strong magnetic power. Come what may, we Chinese eat whatever seeds come into view.
🎈尽管是这样 Be that as it may = However that may be= Despite that
无论发生什么Come what may = Whatever may happen
无论刮风还是下雨Come wind or rain = whether wind or rain comes

There is an old saying about eating melon seeds—if you eat them for three days and nights, only a tiny drop of stool will result. Since the melon seed is so small, no matter how many you eat, you will never fill your stomach. Even if you eat for three running days and nights, you will only excrete one more drop of stool.
🎈stool作名词指大便。a tiny drop of stool挺适合用来译“羊屎蛋”这个词。

To kill time, this is an essential condition. If they were larger and could easily make you full, then time could not be killed. This is completely contrary to the aim of food for famine relief. Relief food aims to fill the stomach while leisure food aims to do otherwise.
🎈与…完全相反 be completely contrary to…
🎈赈饥 famine relief
救灾 disaster relief
🎈吃饱 be full/fill the stomach

Ideally, you should get the taste alone without swallowing the substance, and the more you eat, the hungrier you become. Before a banquet, you can enjoy melon seeds like the Romans chewed up their “regurgitant” in the last days of the Empire. Then, after you have eaten and drunk your fill, you can eat some melon seeds before returning to the banquet table again. And so the time is killed.
🎈减肥(开玩笑 身体健康第一 小仙女们是最棒的)的黑话可以这样子说:过嘴不过胃get the taste alone without swallowing the substance。
🎈吃饱喝足 eat and drink one’s fill

The need to shell is another prerequisite for leisure food. If there were no shell, the eating would be convenient and the satiety would result. If so, you cannot kill the time as you wish.
🎈satiate v.使满足,使餍足
satiety n.[U] 饱足;餍足;满足

You must shell the food, shell it with enthusiasm, and make it go like an interesting game instead of hard labor. Only so can it serve the purpose of the leisure class to kill their time with delight.
🎈only+状语位于句首,句子要部分倒装。比如我们在英语作文结尾进行呼吁时常用的句式:Only in this way/ Only so can we……

After much thought, I found that among all the foods in the world, only melon seeds can meet the above conditions. That is why I insist that the first eater of melon seeds in the world was a veritable genius. The Chinese, who frequently enjoy melon seeds to their hearts’ content, are really fantastic practitioners of the art of killing time.
🎈veritable adj.名副其实的
“是了不起的天才”也可译作was literally a genius。
🎈尽情地 to one’s hearts content
I’m now preparing dinner. I’ll let you ride on me to your heart’s content after dinner. Is that okay? If I don’t keep my word, I’ll be damned! 

The evidence is in the booming sales of melon seeds from delicacies stores and in the shells scattered all over the floors of teahouses, restaurants and homes, and you can imagine the astonishing sum of time killed amid the sounds of “Click, Plop, Crack” each year.

If the practice becomes more popular, I am afraid the whole country will be inundated by the sounds of “Click, Plop, and Crack.” The sight of melon seeds used to perturb me. Now I feel even worse.
1 v.使应接不暇;使不胜负荷 (与with搭配)
Her office was inundated with requests for tickets.
They have inundated me with fan letters.
2 v.淹没,泛滥
Their neighbourhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.
🎈【词根】“turb” = disturb 搅乱
turbulence n. 汹涌而不稳定(的水流/气流);动荡,骚乱
turbid a.浑浊的
turbine n.涡轮机
perturb v.使不安
imperturbable a.沉着的,镇定的,不惊慌的
嗑瓜子crack melon seeds
使某人享有权利、使符合资格entitle sb. to do
很多的、大量的 a wealth of…
变戏法,变魔术 conjure tricks
高超技巧 superb skill
一天到晚,一整天 all day long
把…扎进… thrust… into…
染坊店the dyeing shop
冷落,排斥 leave sb./sth. out in the cold
献身、把(时间、精力等)用于… dedicate…to…
畅销 the booming sales(销售额)/ a boom in sales/ sell like hot cakes
平均分配/分开evenly distributed/divided
臼齿 back teeth/molar
把…塞进… cram… into…
来回;往复up and down/back and forth
(反复地)揪,扯pick at sth. 
(不好的事情)产生,开始,到来,恶化 set in
把…交给… commit… to…
决定… resolve to do … / that …
破戒,违背誓言 break one’s vow
尖端 the pointed end
圆端 the round end
门牙 front teeth
远不如某人 be far inferior to sb.
要到…去;驶往… be bound for…
厚着脸皮,硬着头皮以示不觉羞愧 brazen it out
沧海一粟 mere chestnuts in an ocean
优越心理 superiority complex
厌烦… be/get tired of…或tire of…
屡次,一次又一次,一再 time after time/ time and (time) again
诱使某人做某事 tempt/entice sb. to do sth.
厌烦 be fed up with…
老手;经验丰富的人 old hand
(从 … 中)取出,拿出,拖出fish out sth. (of sth.)/ fish sth. out (of sth.)
直到那时我才… Not until then did I…
用某物招待某人 treat sb. to sth. 
无论发生什么Come what may = Whatever may happen
与…完全相反 be completely contrary to…
吃饱 be full/fill the stomach
吃饱喝足 eat and drink one’s fill
尽情地 to one’s hearts content

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