南京大学 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


Situated in the old capital city of the six dynasties, Nanjing, Nanjing University (NJU) has a one-hundred-year-long history and enjoys high prestige.
🎈“金陵”是指南京,“古都”则是指南京曾是六朝的首都。而“钟灵毓秀”(凝聚了天地间的灵气,孕育着优秀的人物)和“虎踞龙蟠”(像龙盘着,像虎蹲着,形容地势雄伟险要)是修饰“金陵古都”的,因为其不是主要信息且难以翻译,这里省译了。此外,译文将“历史悠久”和“声誉卓著”这两个形容词,转换成动词词组has a one-hundred-year-long history”“enjoys high prestige。


Faced with new, historical opportunities brought forth by the Reform and Opening-up, NJU as a key comprehensive university under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education has upgraded itself with good momentum of development in teaching, research and social service, ranking among China’s top universities in its teaching indexes and overall strength. 
🍒译文的主干句是NJU has upgraded itself …,和原文中“南京大学焕发出新的生机”在意思上是对应的。译文将“保持良好的发展态势”“位居全国高校前列”分别处理为介词短语with good momentum of development和现在分词ranking among China’s top universities。这种处理方式可以在中译英时借鉴,尤其是遇到中文里动词短语较多的情况。


In 1994, NJU was accredited as a key university receiving support by “211 Project”.


In 1999, it became one of the first batch of high-level universities receiving support by “985 Project”.


Since the founding of the university in the early 20th century, NJU has been among the most active universities in carrying out international cooperation and has built close relationship with many first-class universities and research institutes around the world
🎈译文将“自上个世纪初建校以来”中的“建校”处理为名词性结构the founding of…,这句话也可以翻译成since the university was founded in the early 20th century。此外,“是最活跃的大学之一”不一定非要译成one of the most active universities,可以借鉴译文的处理方式,翻译成… has been among the most active universities。


One example is the 30-year-long Center for Chinese and American Studies jointly administered by Nanjing University and Johns Hopkins University, China’s earliest long-term international cooperation program in higher education since the Reform and Opening-up. The center has fostered many pillar scholars for cultural exchanges between China and the U.S., exerting enormous influence at home and abroad.
🎈译文跳出了原文的句子结构,增加one example这一主语,并将“已成功举办三十年”处理为了定语部分the 30-year-long。此外,译文将“它是中国改革开放以后…长期项目”处理为the 30-year-long Center for Chinese and American studies的同位语。


Today, NJU is vigorously promoting international exchanges and cooperation in multiple fields and through multiple channels, raising its teaching to the international standards in every aspect.
声誉卓著:enjoy high prestige
重点综合性大学:a key comprehensive university
211/985工程:211/985 Project
一流大学:first-class universities
学术骨干:pillar scholars
① exert/have enormous influence on
The center has fostered many pillar scholars for cultural exchanges between China and the U.S., exerting enormous influence at home and abroad.
② make a huge difference to
Changing schools made a big difference to my life. 
③ have an effect on 
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. 

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