attenuate 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语


关于 “attenuate“(减弱,降低)的一些常用短语:

  1. attenuate the sound: 减弱声音
  2. attenuate the impact: 减弱影响
  3. attenuate the risk: 降低风险
  4. attenuate the intensity: 减弱强度
  5. attenuate the signal: 弱化信号
  6. attenuate the power: 降低功率
  7. attenuate the symptoms: 缓解症状
  8. attenuate the stress: 减轻压力
  9. attenuate the vibration: 减少振动
  10. attenuate the inflammation: 减轻炎症
  11. attenuate the pain: 缓解疼痛
  12. attenuate the noise: 降低噪音
  13. attenuate the light: 减弱光线
  14. attenuate the tension: 缓解紧张
  15. attenuate the effect: 减弱效果
  16. attenuate the dosage: 减少剂量
  17. attenuate the speed: 减缓速度
  18. attenuate the resistance: 降低阻力
  19. attenuate the aggression: 减少攻击性
  20. attenuate the anxiety: 缓解焦虑
  21. attenuate the volume: 调低音量
  22. attenuate the odor: 减轻气味
  23. attenuate the brightness: 降低亮度
  24. attenuate the tension: 减轻紧张
  25. attenuate the load: 减轻负荷
  26. attenuate the exposure: 降低暴露程度
  27. attenuate the damage: 减少损害
  28. attenuate the pollution: 减少污染
  29. attenuate the conflict: 缓和冲突
  30. attenuate the fear: 减轻恐惧
  31. attenuate the impact: 降低影响
  32. attenuate the inflammation: 减轻炎症
  33. attenuate the risk: 降低风险
  34. attenuate the tension: 缓解紧张
  35. attenuate the pressure: 减轻压力
  36. attenuate the side effects: 减轻副作用
  37. attenuate the muscle tone: 放松肌肉
  38. attenuate the sensation: 减弱感觉
  39. attenuate the glare: 减少眩光
  40. attenuate the appetite: 抑制食欲
  41. attenuate the aggression: 减少攻击性
  42. attenuate the symptoms: 缓解症状
  43. attenuate the tension: 缓和紧张
  44. attenuate the pain: 减轻疼痛
  45. attenuate the frequency: 降低频率
  46. attenuate the disruption: 减少干扰
  47. attenuate the weight: 减轻重量
  48. attenuate the allergy: 缓解过敏
  49. attenuate the reaction: 减弱反应
  50. attenuate the dependency: 减少依赖

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