cajole 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语


关于 “cajole“(哄骗,勾引)的一些常用短语:

  1. cajole someone into doing something: 哄骗某人做某事
  2. cajole with sweet words: 用甜言蜜语哄骗
  3. cajole someone into agreement: 哄骗某人同意
  4. cajole someone into changing their mind: 哄骗某人改变主意
  5. cajole someone with promises: 用承诺哄骗某人
  6. cajole someone into a compromise: 哄骗某人妥协
  7. cajole someone with flattery: 用奉承哄骗某人
  8. cajole someone into forgiveness: 哄骗某人原谅
  9. cajole someone into a favor: 哄骗某人帮忙
  10. cajole someone with charm: 用魅力哄骗某人
  11. cajole someone into obedience: 哄骗某人服从
  12. cajole someone with seductive tactics: 用诱人策略哄骗某人
  13. cajole someone into taking a risk: 哄骗某人冒险
  14. cajole someone with gentle persuasion: 用温和的劝说哄骗某人
  15. cajole someone into making a donation: 哄骗某人捐款
  16. cajole someone with emotional manipulation: 用情感操纵哄骗某人
  17. cajole someone into revealing a secret: 哄骗某人透露秘密
  18. cajole someone with gifts: 用礼物哄骗某人
  19. cajole someone into cooperation: 哄骗某人合作
  20. cajole someone with persuasive arguments: 用有说服力的论点哄骗某人
  21. cajole someone into a negotiation: 哄骗某人进行谈判
  22. cajole someone with persistent flattery: 用持续的奉承哄骗某人
  23. cajole someone into attending an event: 哄骗某人参加活动
  24. cajole someone with subtle manipulation: 用微妙的操纵哄骗某人
  25. cajole someone into accepting a proposal: 哄骗某人接受提议
  26. cajole someone with alluring promises: 用诱人的承诺哄骗某人
  27. cajole someone into revealing their true feelings: 哄骗某人透露真实感受
  28. cajole someone with enticing offers: 用诱人的优惠哄骗某人
  29. cajole someone into trusting them: 哄骗某人相信他们
  30. cajole someone with persuasive tactics: 用有说服力的策略哄骗某人
  31. cajole someone into compliance: 哄骗某人顺从
  32. cajole someone with clever manipulation: 用巧妙的操纵哄骗某人
  33. cajole someone into making a confession: 哄骗某人招供
  34. cajole someone with false promises: 用虚假承诺哄骗某人
  35. cajole someone into supporting a cause: 哄骗某人支持一个事业
  36. cajole someone with persistent persuasion: 用持久的劝说哄骗某人
  37. cajole someone into revealing their intentions: 哄骗某人透露意图
  38. cajole someone with emotional appeals: 用情感呼吁哄骗某人
  39. cajole someone into buying a product: 哄骗某人购买产品
  40. cajole someone with clever flattery: 用巧妙的奉承哄骗某人
  41. cajole someone into supporting their cause: 哄骗某人支持他们的事业
  42. cajole someone with false information: 用虚假信息哄骗某人
  43. cajole someone into revealing confidential information: 哄骗某人透露机密信息
  44. cajole someone with appealing incentives: 用诱人的激励哄骗某人
  45. cajole someone into participating in a scheme: 哄骗某人参与阴谋
  46. cajole someone with skillful persuasion: 用熟练的劝说哄骗某人
  47. cajole someone into taking a leap of faith: 哄骗某人采取一次信任飞跃
  48. cajole someone with enticing rewards: 用诱人的奖励哄骗某人
  49. cajole someone into revealing their true motives: 哄骗某人透露真实动机
  50. cajole someone with irresistible charm: 用不可抗拒的魅力哄骗某人

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