​​《中国传统文化关键字》春节 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Spring Festival

中华民族及海外华人最重要的传统节日。狭义的春节指农历新年第一个月的第一天,广义的春节是指从农历最后一个月的23 日 (祭灶)到新年第一个月的15日(元宵节)这一段时间。现代意义的春节实际上是古代一年之始与立春节气两者的混合。春节期间,人们会祭拜神灵和祖先,张贴春联和年画,置办年货,吃团圆饭,给压岁钱,除夕守岁,燃放爆竹,走亲访友,等等。

This is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese nation and overseas Chinese. In the narrow sense, it is the first day of the Lunar New Year. In a broader sense, it refers to the festival that occurs between the 23rd day of the last lunar month (the day of Offerings to the Kitchen God) and the 15th day of the first lunar month (the Lantern Festival). In a modern sense, Spring Festival is a mixture of the beginning of the New Year and the Beginning of Spring on the lunar calendar. During Spring Festival, people pay tribute to deities and their ancestors, post auspicious couplets and New Year paintings, buy new year’s goods and put on new clothes, have a family reunion dinner, give children gift money, stay up the whole night on New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to the departing year, set off firecrackers and visit relatives and friends.


🎈在翻译「春节指…」时,第一句译文使用it is,而第二句使用了it refers to,遵从了英文忌讳重复的行文习惯。

🎈「祭灶」在中文的意思是「祭祀灶神」,就是献祭贡品给灶神的意思,故而译文将「祭灶」译为了Offerings to the Kitchen God。

🎈「除夕守岁」在中文的意思是人们整夜都在熬夜来送走旧的一年,故而译为stay up the whole night on New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to the departing year


In terms of family relationships and religion, people make sacrifices to ancestors and deities for the protection of their family members. In addition, Spring Festival reflects the importance Chinese people attach to family reunion, harmony within a family and kinship. When it comes to the Chinese people’s sense of life and sense of time, they not only bid farewell to the departing year and express their welcome to the new year, they also express their expectation for a better future. Through the influence of Chinese culture, some of China’s neighboring countries also celebrate Spring Festival.


🎈「伦理」本意指人与人、人与社会相互关系时应遵循的道理和准则,而在此处则是着重强调家庭内部的关系,因此译文将其译为family relationships

🎈在表达「在…方面」之时,译文采用了两种不同的表达方式,一种是in terms of,第二种是when it comes to,遵从了英文忌讳重复的行文习惯。

🎈在翻译「辞旧迎新」这一文言文色彩浓厚的四字短语时,应先译作白话文,即「辞别旧的一年,迎接新的一年」,故而译文译为bid farewell to the departing year and express their welcome to the new year。

🎈在翻译“表达人们对新年的祝福及对未来生活的美好期待”时,由于“表达人们对新年的祝福”与“对未来生活的美好期待”具有相同的内涵,因此译文对此进行了减译,只译出了express their expectation for a better future,使得译文简洁流畅。



春节:Spring Festival

中华民族:Chinese nation

海外华人:overseas Chinese

狭义的:in the narrow sense

广义的:in the broad sense

祭灶日:the day of Offerings to the Kitchen God

祭拜神灵和祖先:pay tribute to deities and their ancestors

张贴春联和年画:post auspicious couplets and New Year paintings

压岁钱:gift money

放烟花:set off firecrackers

走亲访友:visit relatives and friends

家族团圆:family reunion

家庭和睦:harmony within a family

时间与生命意识:sense of life and sense of time

辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the departing year and express their welcome to the new year

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