​​《中国传统文化关键字》传奇 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Legendary Story


This is a term for a literary form. It refers to three types of artistic works:

1)A type of short story in the Tang and Song dynasties that might be evolved from tales of the supernatural in the earlier Six Dynasties. Later its subjects widened to include social life, and stories about people and events. Chuan(传)means “legendary” and qi(奇)means “strange and unusual”;so the term originally means recounting tales of strange and extraordinary events that have been passed down by word of mouth. The work Chuan Qi by Pei Xing in the Tang Dynasty is probably the earliest work that uses the term. In the Song Dynasty, the Tang novel The Story of Yingying is considered a chuanqi, while the Yuan people called all Tang stories chuanqi of Tang. Song Dynasty chuanqi were more realistic and vernacular than those of the Tang.

🎈原文首句“作为文艺术语,含义有三”中的“三种含义”实际上指的是“三种文学类别”,故而译文译为了three types of artistic works。

🎈在翻译“指唐宋时期的一种短篇小说体裁。或认为由六朝时的志怪小说演变而来”一句时,译文将后一句作为一个定语从句出现( that might be evolved from tales of the supernatural in the earlier Six Dynasties),用以修饰a type of short story ,使得译文流畅自然;此外,在翻译“志怪小说”时,根据其所承载的含义“超自然现象的故事”,故而译为tales of the supernatural。


🎈在翻译“以《莺莺传》为传奇”时,译文采用了be considered这一表达方式,变主动语态为被动,符合英文行文习惯。


其二,指宋元时期的诸宫调、戏文、杂剧等戏曲文学类作品。因这一时期的说唱文学、戏曲创作等多取材于唐传奇,故称。其三,指明清时期以唱南曲为主的长编戏曲。由南戏发展而来,也融合了元杂剧的特点,如梁辰鱼的《浣纱记》、孔尚任的《桃花扇》、洪昇的《长生殿》等。各个时期的“传奇”概念,既有题材的沿用与拓展,又有手法的继承与创新,其核心“传奇特之事、演奇特之人” 是一以贯之的。

2) Song-speech drama, Southern opera and Yuan zaju in the Song and Yuan dynasties, most of which were based on Tang stories.

3) Full-length operas in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which were based on the Southern Opera (Nanxi), and also included some Yuan zaju features. Typical works include The Story of Washing Gauze by Liang Chenyu, Peach Blossom Fan by Kong Shangren, The Palace of Eternal Life by Hong Sheng. The ancient style of chuanqi has evolved and been innovated over the centuries, both in story content and performance techniques. However, its main purpose is still to“tell stories of strange happenings and unusual people”.

🎈在翻译“宫调、戏文”这些专有名词时,译文打破汉语表层结构,根据其含义来进行翻译。“宫调”是指中国古代一种唱说结合的戏剧,因此译为“Song-speech drama”;而“戏文”此处特指南戏,故而译为“Southern opera”。

🎈在翻译“如梁辰鱼的《浣纱记》、孔尚任的《桃花扇》、洪昇的《长生殿》等”一句时,因译文前文已经很长,所以此处另起一句(Typical works include The Story of Washing Gauze by Liang Chenyu, Peach Blossom Fan by Kong Shangren, The Palace of Eternal Life by Hong Sheng.)来介绍传奇文学的代表作,使得译文简洁流畅。

🎈原文“既有题材的沿用与拓展,又有手法的继承与创新”一句是运用了中文中“互文”的修辞,也就是说,“沿用与拓展”的,不止题材,手法也是如此;同样,不只是手法“继承与创新”,题材亦复如是。因此译文在翻译时,题材内容与艺术手法都在传承与创新“evolved and been innovated over the centuries, both in story content and performance techniques”。

🎈在翻译“传奇特之事、演奇特之人”偏文言色彩,意为“讲述不同寻常的人身上所发生的奇怪的事情”,故而译文译为tell stories of strange happenings and unusual people;此外,“一以贯之”是始终遵守的意思,故而译文译为“main purpose is still to”。


传奇:Legendary Story

志怪小说:tales of the supernatural

人情世态:stories about people and events

六朝:Six Dynasties


宫调:Song-speech drama

基于:be based on

南戏:Southern opera

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