​​《中国传统文化关键字》博爱 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析



Extensive Love to Benefit All

广泛地爱,惠及所有的人。“博”即广泛、广大;“爱”即“惠”,惠及众人。古人认为,“安民则惠”(使民众安定生活就是惠),“爱”是“仁”的体现,而 “仁”则是与人亲密。

Bo (博)means extensive, wide; ai (爱)is synonymous with hui (惠) which means benefit to all. Ancient Chinese believed that ensuring the people a life of peace and security is hui. Love in turn is an expression of ren(仁), or benevolence, which is based on close human relationships.


🎈在翻译「惠及众人」时,译文先将原文的文言文语言转换成了白话文,即「使所有人受益」,再译为英语benefit to all。


🎈译文在处理「安民则惠」一句时,译文使用了宾语从句,直接根据括号内的白话文意思翻译出来(ensuring the people a life of peace and security is hui),略去了文言文,使得译文流畅自然。

🎈而在翻译「爱是仁的体现,而 仁则是与人亲密」一句时,译文先以汉语拼音译出「仁」,再对其内涵进行解释,即「宽容,仁慈」(benevolence);随后将对「仁」的解释作为一个非限制性定语从句(which is based on close human relationships)来出现,使得译文流畅自然;而在翻译「是」时,译文没有拘泥于原文,而是译为了based on,译出了「基于」的深层逻辑关系。


The term applies primarily to a concept of governance of “love for and benefit to the people”, as demonstrated through its systems, laws, policies, and measures which should be as inclusive as possible. The term also refers to a kind of social morality and personal integrity based on harmonious engagement with others, goodwill, and mutual help.

🎈本段的汉语原文由几个短句所组成,其上下句逻辑关系都暗含在句子当中,因此译文在翻译时需要借助连词、从句等将逻辑关系表达出来。在翻译「意在使国家的制度、法令、政策、措施的受益面尽可能最大化」一句时,译文使用了as demonstrated through,意为「表现在…方面」;而在处理「尽可能最大化,使更多的人得到好处」一句时,因为这两个短句所表达的意思是相同的,因此译文只翻译出来一个即可as inclusive as possible。

🎈在翻译「它也指与众人亲密相处、友善相待、相互扶助的一种社会伦理、个人品格或情怀」一句时使用了定语从句,将「社会伦理、个人品格」(social morality and personal integrity)作为先行词,而将「与众人亲密相处、友善相待、相互扶助」译作三个名词或名词短语(harmonious engagement with others, goodwill, and mutual help)而作为定语出现,使得译文符合英文的行文习惯。


博爱 Extensive Love to Benefit All

与…为同义词 be synonymous with

惠及众人 benefit to all

安民则惠 ensuring the people a life of peace and security is hui

继而,反过来 in turn

基于 be based on

执政理念 concept of governance

社会伦理 social morality

个人品格 personal integrity

众人亲密相处 harmonious engagement with others

相互扶助 mutual help

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