柳宗元《种树郭橐驼传》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析




The Life of Camel Guo, the Tree Planter

Liu Zongyuan




Camel Guo’s real name was unknown.

🎈结合后文可知「橐驼」是人们给他起的外号/代称,「不知始何名」也就是说人们不知道他本来叫什么名字,不知道他真名如何,译作「real name」



He was called 「Camel”, because rickets caused him to resemble a camel when walking, with a hunched back and a bent body.





He was pleased with the name, for he said, 「I like it. It suits me well”.




Therefore he gave up his own name and also called himself 「Camel Guo」.




He lived in Fengle Village in western Chang’an, and made a living by planting trees.


🎈「驼业种树」就是「郭橐驼以种树为职业」之意,译作「made a living by planting trees」,其中「以…为生」译为「make a living by doing sth」



All the wealthy and influential people in Chang’an who took a liking for trees, and all the fruit vendors, spared no effort to employ him.


🎈翻译「为观游」时要注意与郭的所做的事结合起来(种树),否则译文就会让读者摸不着头脑,这里进行了具体化,译作了「took a liking for trees」,喜爱树木。

🎈「皆争迎取养」正说反译,译作「spared no effort to employ him」

🎈不遗余力做某事spare no effort to do sth



AIl the trees planted or transplanted by him survived. They were tall, with exuberant foliage, and bore abundant fruits early in season.


🎈「茂」字译作了介词短语,运用此转换词性的翻译方法,译作「with exuberant foliage」。其中「exuberant」释义为「strong and healthy; growing quickly and well 繁茂的;茂盛的;茁壮的」

🎈in season: ( of fruit or vegetables 水果、蔬菜 ) easily available and ready to eat because it is the right time of year for them 当令的;在旺季的。



Other tree planters did not do so well as he, though they stealthily tried to imitate him.


🎈「as he」是个省略句,省略了谓语,用法如下:





When asked what his secret was, he would reply, 「I do not have any special skills that make the trees live longer and bear more fruits other than that I comply with the nature of the tree and let its nature take its own course.



🎈「other than」在这里是「除了」之意。

🎈comply with顺从/服从

🎈「let its nature take its own course」意即「顺应树木的天性」,在英文中「顺其自然」译作「let nature take its own course」,注意表达积累。



The right way of tree planting is to allow the roots of a tree to spread out freely, to distribute the earth evenly while banking it up, to use mellow soil, and to pound the earth firmly over the roots.


🎈「植木之性」意思是按照树木的本性来种植,也就是「正确的种树方法」,译作了「the right way of tree planting」,翻译时进行了说法的转换。


🎈bank sth (up): to form sth into piles 堆积(某物)



Then leave it alone. Don’t touch or worry about it. Don’t come back to shower your concern over it.

🎈「shower your concern over it」就是「过度关注」之意。



Treat it as your own child when you are transplanting it. Then leave it as something discarded.




In this way its nature is well preserved, and its proper growth is ensured.

🎈「则」就是「那么」之意,译作了「in this way」来衔接上下文。中文中不总是有衔接词,但是衔接词在英文中非常重要,要注意衔接词的表达积累,中英翻译时也要有增加衔接词的意识。

🎈这里的「性」要进行具体化,也就是树木的正常生长,译作「its proper growth」



I have no other skill to make it grow tall with exuberant foliage beyond that I don’t thwart its growth. I have no other skill to make it bear more fruits early in season except that I do nothing to restrain it from baring less fruits.


🎈除了beyond that/ except that/other than that

🎈「thwart」释义为「to prevent sb from doing what they want to do 阻止;阻挠;对…构成阻力」,例句如下:

She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the party.





Other planters do things differently. The roots of their trees are curled up, the soil is immature and the earth used in banking up is either too much or not enough.


🎈「土易」要结合上文的「其土欲故」来翻译,这里的意思也就是用了生土,译作了「the soil is immature」



Though some planters make no such mistakes, they either take too much care of the tree or feel too much anxiety about it.

🎈「苟有能反是者」这句话在翻译时要注意引申,也就是「和他们做法不同(但也出问题)的人」,意即「没有犯这种错误的人」,译作了「some planters make no such mistakes」

🎈「太殷」和「太勤」都是程度词,在译文中用「too much」来体现。



They come to see it in the morning and fondle it in the evening. They return soon after leaving it.




The most intolerable mistake is to scratch off a piece of the bark to see whether it is still alive or shake its trunk to see whether it is stable. Thus the nature of the tree is spoiled.


🎈「甚者」结合上文「苟有能反是者」来翻译,就是「更让人难以忍受的(错误)」,译作「intolerable mistake」

🎈在「摇其本以观其疏密」一句中,土疏则树摇,土密则树稳,这里翻译时进行了具体化,译作「shake its trunk to see whether it is stable」,其中「its」和「it」都指的是树。



Though they say they love it, they are doing harm to it. Though they say they regard it with great anxiety, they are hostile towards it.

🎈do harm to损害/伤害

🎈be hostile to/towards对…有敌意



This explains why they are not as successful in tree planting as I am. To be honest, I don’t have any special skills other than that!”




When asked whether his way of planting trees could be applied to the governing of the people, he replied, 「I only know how to plant trees. I don’t know how to govern, since that is not my profession.

🎈做官治民the governing of the people

🎈「业」译作了「profession」,是「a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education (需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一)行业,职业」之意。



But I live in the countryside and often see how officials are apt to issue orders. They seem to care for the people, but in fact they are bringing hardships on them.



be apt to易于…/倾向于issue orders发号施令。

🎈「若甚怜」:好像很爱(百姓),并不是真的爱护百姓,译出seem to很重要。



At any time of the day the errand man of the local government comes to the village and shouts, ‘The official urges you to till the land, sow seeds and harvest in time, to lose no time in reeling silk and weaving cloth, and to bring up your children and raise your livestock well.’


🎈「旦暮」意即「在任何时候」,译作「at any time of the day」.


耕地till the land

播种sow seeds

缫丝reel silk

织布weave cloth

饲养家畜raise livestock



Now beating a drum, now striking at a wooden clapper, he calls the village people to get together.




We are so busy entertaining him that we don’t even have time for our meals. How can we support a thriving family and enjoy a peaceful life?


🎈be busy doing sth忙于…



The village people are completely exhausted.

🎈「病且怠」意即「困苦又疲乏」,译作「completely exhausted」



Isn’t this similar to what other tree planters are doing to their trees?”




The man who asked the question responded to this with a smile, 「Isn’t it wonderful? I asked about tree planting with the result that I learned the way to govern the people.”

🎈「嘻」:感叹词,表示高兴,这里译在直接引语里不好处理,译作了状语「with a smile」跟在动词「respond」之后。



I record this event in writing to exhort government officials to improve their way of ruling.

🎈「exhort」是「规劝」「告诫」之意,要告诫他们的内容是「to improve their way of ruling」


exuberant     adj. 精力充沛的;热情洋溢的;兴高采烈的


full of energy, excitement and happiness


She gave an exuberant performance.



thwart     v. 阻止;阻挠;对…构成阻力


to prevent sb from doing what they want to do


She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the party.



errand     n.差使;差事


a job that you do for sb that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy sth, deliver goods, etc.


He often runs errands for his grandmother.




以…为生」译为「make a living by doing sth

不遗余力做某事spare no effort to do sth

枝叶茂盛with exuberant foliage

当令的;在旺季的in season

除了other than

顺从/服从comply with

顺其自然let nature take its own course

堆积(某物)bank sth (up)

损害/伤害do harm to

损害/伤害do harm to

对…有敌意be hostile to/towards

耕地till the land

播种sow seeds

缫丝reel silk

织布weave cloth

饲养家畜raise livestock





We are so busy entertaining him that we don’t even have time for our meals. How can we support a thriving family and enjoy a peaceful life?


2. 老舍《我这一辈子》


How happy I was to have, in time of turmoil, this quiet haven plus books so that I could settle down and get on with my pursuit of learning!


3. 台湾同胞可(安居乐业),两岸各族人民可解骨肉分离之痛。

The compatriots in Taiwan will be able to live in peace and happiness; the people of all nationalities on both sides of the Taiwan straits will be relieved of the pains of separation from their own flesh and blood.


4. 我惊讶的是,任凭世界上当时发生了什么,白宫都在依序行事,他们告诉美国人民要做的就是——(安居乐业)。

I was struck by the fact that despite all that was going on in the world at the time, the White House was doing exactly what they were telling the American people to do –getting on with life.

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